Thursday, February 17, 2005 for College Faculty and Staff

(The link to is currently unavailable-- it will go live with the launch of PeopleSoft 8) provides a common point of entry to access Blackboard, Student Email, and academic information via our Student Information System (PeopleSoft).

How do I use it?

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your username
  3. Enter your password
  4. Click Log In
  5. You can now access all your college tools with a single click

What is My Username?

If you have used Blackboard, use the same username you have used for that service. If you do not know your username, you can look it up using your Emplid
other identifying information.

What is my password?

If you have previously used Blackboard or
the Student Information System, use your current password. If you are
new to your college, the password will default to your date of birth in the
format MMDDYY.

What if I forgot my password?
(757) 825-2709

Why do I have a link to Student Email?

All students, faculty, and staff now have accounts on the student email system. Faculty can use this account to view the email interface from the student perspective. This link will not provide access to your primary email account.

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