Sunday, March 20, 2005

Faculty Development Activities – Student Success in Online Learning

Instructional Technology and Distance Learning will fund a few faculty development activities that focus on student success in online learning. The purpose of the activity should address areas that are barriers to student success in online learning. The proposal should include how the effectiveness of the activity will be assessed – higher success rate, increased student retention, or some other measurable outcome related to student success.

Topics of interest: Quality assurance, best practices, course design, interactivty/ communication, academic support, teaching strategies, digital resources, competencies for online students and/or online faculty, information literacy skills, etc.

Average funding support: $3,000 (collaborative projects – if more than one college is involved, up to $5,000 can be requested)

Number of proposals to be funded: up to 10

Deadline for proposals: Proposals may be submitted starting March 21, 2005. Proposals will be reviewed as they come in for feasibility and funding. Last day for submission of proposals is April 20, 2005.

Notification of proposal status: 7 days after proposal is received

If you would like to submit an idea for funding through this initiative, please provide the following information about the activity:

  • Description of the project: (one page); should describe the purpose of the project and how it will be carried out – workshop, seminar, etc. Include dates of the activity.
  • College(s): List all colleges participating in the activity and how many will attend
  • Funds requested: itemize each element and provide cost; indicate any support from the colleges
  • Primary contact for the activity:

College Approvals and contacts: College approvals are required for proposals to be considered. Please be sure you are getting the appropriate approvals for your college. If more than one college is involved, signatures from all institutions are required. Signatures page may be faxed.

  • Immediate supervisor of the primary contact:
  • Academic Vice President:
  • Grants Office: (if applicable)
  • Business Office contact and account where funds should be transferred: (If there is more than one college involved, one of the colleges should be designated as the fiscal agent. All funds for the project will be transferred to the fiscal agent college.)

Evaluation of the activity: Reaction of attendees to the activity should be provided one week after the activity is held. If you are planning a series of activities, evaluations should be provided after each activity.

  • Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
  • Focus of the project (student success)
  • Project description (Concise description of what will take place, how it will take place and what the expected outcomes are)
  • Budget description (Itemized; detailed to cover all aspects of the activity)
  • Evaluation of the activity (attendee input is collected and analyzed; e.g., survey at the end of the activity)
  • Assessment of the impact on student success is clearly defined and planned for.
  • Appropriate approvals included

    Submit proposals by April 20, 2005 electronically to: Carole Schultz –

    Questions: Carole Schultz; 804-819-4964

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